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You know you sound very biased about these things.
People say Pascal is a teaching language because that's what it's mainly used for. The only good thing I know made in Pascal (well object pascal) is Skype.

First of all the first arguments regarding the inconsistencies of AS are dumb. Trust me on this one. If they bother you THAT much, just extend the base class make appropriately named variables and set them to their respective values (That works with functions too).

Second if you think opensource = free than you should spend more time researching the concept. The fact that YOU don't pay for it doesn't mean that somebody else doesn't. There are enough ways to make money using opensource software. If you don't believe me, just look at Ubuntu.
Therefore the no future argument fails. Plus those scripting languages you despise so much provide a HUGE productivity boost. For evidence look into the wikipedia page for the Koch Snowflake. See how many lines it takes you to write the same implementation in Pascal. And if you think this isn't a valid argument than think what would've happened if people rejected the first compiled programming languages and kept using machine code.

Third as far as semicompiled languages go, you are being ignorant. The most important reason they run slower is because the runtime adds security checks most programmers forget to make or worse don't know how to do. I would like to see you use a buffer overflow exploit on an application made in C# or Java. Also there will always be someone to find an exploit in your program, provided it gets popular enough, nothing is 100% safe in IT.
And on the complex speed stuff, someone posted a chess game made in javscript, there was something with a pwn in the url don't really remember it, that was the most wicked chess AI algorithm I saw, moved and felt like GNU Chess on hard. So it really depends on the quality of your programming here.

And finally we get to Pascal vs C. When Pascal was developed, its developers were a bit lazy I think, or they didn't have enough time to implement all the features that made C so great like a break, or static variables.Most of these issues were addressed by now, as far as I can tell, pascal implementations these days have enough features to compete with C compilers, and kudos for making it into the GCC collection, but that doesn't change the fact that it's bulky and has some shitty pointers, which brings us to the main reason Pascal lost the battle, it has some serious productivity issues, it involves at least twice the amount of typing a normal C programmer has to do.
Relevant example: x?y=0:f?printf('Hello'):return 0; I'd like to see how many lines it takes to write that in Pascal.
Also lack of precompiler is annoying, #define is like the number 1 most useful thing I have ever encountered in procedural programming, but you already stated that this is the reason you hate C.

So in the end yeah, it comes down to preference, but please do not provide a one sided monologue on how great THE ONE programming language is, no matter if it's Pascal or whatever, every programming language has its pros and cons, indicated use and so forth. To be top of the notch in the IT field you have to keep an open mind. Blindly sustaining just one programming language only leads to hate, monopolies, slower progress and equally bad things.

There are far more things made with Delphi and Object Pascal than Skype, far too many to list. It's much more common than you might realise.

My criticisms of AS aren't 'dumb', they're perfectly valid. Pascal is case-insensitive, which makes it simpler and less fiddly.

I never said that Open Source doesn't cost anything, and Ubuntu has made no profits at all yet - Canonical hasn't broken even.

The productivity boost is really negligible for desktop applications, and the performance at run-time is far better with a compiled language.

Semicompiled languages are not as quick or efficient as compiled languages. Fact. Chess is a terrible example, as it's not exactly processor-intensive.

And as to your point about C, that so-called "relevant example" is ridiculously unreadable. The compiler optimises, the programmer needs to create readable code, not optimise.

I have every right to provide a monologue about THE ONE programming language, as it's my blog, and I'm not forcing anyone to read it. Having tons of programming languages leads to incompatibilities, fractured development communities, lack of specialisation and equally bad things.

I used Pascal for a year. It was brilliant.

It is, isn't it? :D

I hate programming

You fail.

i think you forgot about c++

C++ is basically C with a load more pitfalls. If I pan C, then by extension I pan C++.